We had Kayden's FIRST birthday party yesterday and it was so much fun! The weather was beautiful -sunny and 70's. Here is Kayden with his cake- he wasn't much of a fan of actually eating it but he did enjoy playing with it. 

This beer looks good Mommy - can I have some?? I'm ONE now!
Oh I'm just kidding Mommy!!
Kayden enjoyed opening all his presents - thank you everyone for the gifts -
he is having such a good time playing with all his new toys!
Just hanging out with Grampsy - Kayden LOVES his time with grandpa!!
Everyone came to hang out with the birthday boy....Uncle Logan and Allison, Uncle Jared and Uncle Matt, and Cousin Kyra, Cousin Landry and Friend Keira. Thank you again to everyone for sharing his special day with us - we appreciate it and love you all!