We had a great Easter at Aunt Danelle and Uncle Matt's today - they even planned an Easter egg hunt for us!! Kayden was all geared up and ready to go!
I found one Mommy - here it is!!!! Thanks for putting it in my bag! How many are in there??
Yummy - these eggs are good! And look how many are over here!
Time to count my eggs~ Happy Easter Everyone!
Go Daddy Go! Cousins Landry, Myranda and Kyra all joined in the Egg Hunt too!
And Cousin Hunter hung out with Grampsy and watched! Just give us a few more months until we are causing trouble together!!
We had such a great day today - thank you again Aunt Danelle for everything -it was wonderful! We are looking forward to the weather getting warmer and being able to spend more time outside exploring.
OH-and Kayden is now taking about 5-6 steps on his own - we'll get it on video and get it posted- it is so cute!! We might have a walker on our hands by his birthday - stay tuned!