Happy Birthday to our Baby Boy!! I cannot believe that he is ONE already - how time flies by! He woke up so happy this morning and ready to start the day -there is nothing like seeing this cute face peering over the crib at me when I walk in his room in the morning!
Playing with all the balloons - oh what a good time!
Such a ham!! Happy, happy boy enjoying his lunch.
Kayden is such a big boy now - he gets to face forward in the car! Yea!! And he's enjoying seeing all the new views as we drive!
Daddy is such a funny guy and makes Kayden laugh. And the drooling is still never ending - he has two more teeth coming in which will give us a grand total of 8 so far!
Mommy, I think I can walk all by myself.......
.....See, I told you I could do it by myself!!
It's true - we have a WALKER on our hands! He's getting more and more comfortable on his feet and goes a bit further on his own every day. I know it won't be long now before he is taking off - watch out!
~ Happy Birthday Dear Kayden - we love you and can't wait for your next year of adventures!! Love, Mommy & Daddy~