We also got to hang out with our friends and the boys got to play with their buddy, Braylon.
Carter loved showing him how excited he was to see him! :)
We stayed at my dad's house for the weekend and it was so nice to spend time with him and his family - as always, they were the best hosts - thank you for a wonderful time!!
The boys loved playing with Grandpa Ken and Laura!
And Carter found a new buddy in Brandon!
Carter is obsessed with basketball - he can't get enough of it!
Kayden decided that he wanted to ride the "big boy" bike at my dad's house that did NOT have training wheels on it....we weren't so sure but he set his mind to it and practiced over and over again until he got it! This kid continues to amaze me!!
We got to go watch one of Brandon's baseball games and Kayden thought that was super cool - might have also been the ring pop that Laura bought for him! :)
My brother's friends were gracious enough to let us come spend the day at their pool to celebrate my birthday! That was one of the best birthdays - poolside with drinks and my family there! :) We had such a great time!
I just love Carter's belly in this pic....a little naptime with Daddy!
Uncle Brian even taught Kayden how to play Fruit Ninja on the big screen -they had a blast!
We had a great trip and I miss my family already -thanks for a great visit!! Love you all!