02 December 2010

[I Gotta Get Out of Here!]

Kraig had to work all Thanksgiving weekend so I decided instead of spending THREE whole days inside with two boys - I'd throw them in the car and drive the 4 hours to my sister's house for the weekend! :) So that's what we did....and we had a great time! The boys did great on the car ride there. Carter slept the WHOLE way and Kayden watched Mickey Mouse for a bit, then read some books, then took a nice long nap - it was quiet and I got to enjoy my FREE XM! My nieces, Jordan and Jenna, were with their dad for Thanksgiving and didn't know I was coming into town -so we sent them this picture of the boys to let them know we were there! Here are Kayden and Carter with Cousin Tanner...
 Our friends moved to Indiana a few months back - you might remember their twin girls who are Kayden's girlfriends! :) Well we got to go visit them and it was so nice to see them again - Kayden loved playing with the girls! This is the best photo I could get of THREE 2.5 year olds!! Kayden with Lexi and Kate.
 They enjoyed 'drawing' on the chalkboard....look at those three cute tushies!
 Lexi had fun trying my boots on and strutting her stuff around the house! I honestly wasn't sure I was going to get them back  - she did NOT want to give them up!! But it was so cute to see her walking around in her underwear and the boots....oh, she's going to be trouble! :)
 Aunt Jodi got her snuggle time in with Carter -thank you for all your help with the boys!!!
 And my sister and I even got to go out for a few hours and have some beers and meet up with some friends - it was such a good time and I needed it! :)
We had such a great time - it is so nice to have a sister to 'run to' when I need it - I don't think she even knows how much I appreciated this weekend - and a big thank you to Uncle Troy too for watching the boys while we went out!! We love you guys and we'll see you soon!!