02 November 2010

Thanks Aunt Jodi!

Aunt Jodi came to visit for two weeks while Mommy was in the hospital and to help out when Mommy came home - it was much needed and MUCH appreciated!! She cooked, cleaned, kept laundry going and ran Kayden everywhere he needed to go as well as entertained him so I could get rest and recover from my c-section. She did get a little snuggle time in with Carter too!
And she even surprised Kayden with a special little gift - his very own Mickey Mouse backpack!! He is in LOVE with it and has to wear it around everywhere he goes!! He takes it to daycare and says he is going on the school bus like the big kids!

Thank you Aunt Jodi for everything - I feel like a 'thank you' doesn't even begin to cut it - but we miss you and love you and can't wait to see you again soon!!! xoxo