26 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

 We spent Thanksgiving Day this year at Kraig's parents house and sadly, I didn't get very many pictures! I have to say, juggling two kids has been much more time-consuming (and tiring!) then I ever imagined it would be! I feel like there just aren't enough hours in each day to get even half the things done that I'd like- and everyone keeps telling me that I need to slow down and take it easy but what can I say ---I'm Type A! I like to get things done and go, go, go - slowing down is NOT in my vocabulary! Needless to say, I did get a few and I promise to do better at Christmas. :)Here were Kayden, Carter, Connor and Myranda listening to Grampsy's storytime....
Kayden wasn't a fan of his picture being taken!
Cousins Landry and Kyra - so cute!!

21 November 2010

1 Month Old!

Carter turned 1 month old today and I can't believe it! Seems like just yesterday we were driving to the hospital to have him - I can't believe it has already been a month! And wow has he grown in the last month - we went to his 1 month check up and he weighed in at 9 lbs, 13 oz (50-75th percentile) and is 22 inches long (over 75th percentile)! He has also started sleeping a bit better at night falling into more of a 'routine' - let's hope it continues! :) He goes to bed between 6:30 and 7 and wakes up to feed a couple times in the night and then is up for the day between 6:30 and 7 - along with big brother Kayden......since that time change, Kayden doesn't seem to 'sleep in' much anymore - I hope that changes soon!

16 November 2010

Brotherly Love

Kayden is really enjoying his role as big brother- and he is such a good helper!!

So Cute!

09 November 2010

A Visitor from Texas

Grandpa Ken flew in this weekend to meet Carter and play with Kayden and we had such a nice visit with him- but it always goes by way too quickly!! We miss him before we even leave the airport! But we did get a picture with Grandpa and his boys....

05 November 2010


Carter has a new girlfriend - baby Savannah! She was born 1 week before him (yes, already going for the older women!) ;)  Aren't they the cutest together?

04 November 2010

More Help for Mommy

I was lucky enough to have help for 2 weeks after having Carter so I could recover from my csection and be driven around until I had the all clear to drive again! So after Aunt Jodi left us, Grandma Mary came to help out. Kayden loved having someone else here to entertain him and I loved not having to juggle everything for a little while longer!

02 November 2010

Thanks Aunt Jodi!

Aunt Jodi came to visit for two weeks while Mommy was in the hospital and to help out when Mommy came home - it was much needed and MUCH appreciated!! She cooked, cleaned, kept laundry going and ran Kayden everywhere he needed to go as well as entertained him so I could get rest and recover from my c-section. She did get a little snuggle time in with Carter too!
And she even surprised Kayden with a special little gift - his very own Mickey Mouse backpack!! He is in LOVE with it and has to wear it around everywhere he goes!! He takes it to daycare and says he is going on the school bus like the big kids!

Thank you Aunt Jodi for everything - I feel like a 'thank you' doesn't even begin to cut it - but we miss you and love you and can't wait to see you again soon!!! xoxo

01 November 2010

Happy Halloween 2010!

Kraig's family all came over again this year to trick-or-treat with us and what a crew we had!
Kayden and Carter were ready to hit the streets as a firefighter and a monkey~

Cousins Landry and Kyra had fun hitting all the houses in the neighborhood...
And the "boys" had fun hanging out with Grampsy and getting all the candy (I think Grampsy was taking a 50% cut on the candy gathered...) ;) Cousin Hunter (devil), Cousin Connor (monkey) and Kayden....
 Kayden spilled his candy a few times but everyone helped him pick it up! (except for poor Connor who couldn't even see out of his mask!)
 Kayden wasn't so sure about knocking on the doors....
 ...but he LOVED getting more candy!!

We had a great time - Happy Halloween Everyone!