We spent the holiday week at Kraig's parents' house in Northern Minnesota and had such a great time!
Kayden LOVED Grandma and Grampsy's swings.....
and chillin' in the hammock with Daddy....
We went on a boat ride with Grampsy and Kayden had so much fun cruising around the lake....
The water trampoline was also a big hit with Kayden - the weather was gorgeous and we spent every day in the lake! 
Grampsy gave Kayden swim lessons while we were there and he did such a good job! It's amazing what he will do for Grampsy but not for Mommy and Daddy.....Every swim 'session' he had to start out by asking Grampsy if he could come into the water.....
he floated on his back....
blew bubbles....
practiced kicking....
and loved EVERY minute with Grampsy!!
Kayden also got to experience his FIRST sauna - he LOVED it in there!! (and yes, he has fruit snacks in his hand.....) He enjoyed throwing the water on the rocks to make it steam!
Enjoying a little downtime with Daddy.....
The ducks came by every day (multiple times) and Kayden LOVED watching them, feeding them, chasing them, just being near them!!
We went to Kraig's aunt and uncle's house in Ely on the 4th to watch the fireworks. Although we had to keep Kayden up about 4 hours past his bedtime, he did really well! Uncle Jed gave him some cars to play with and he was in heaven!
Waiting for the fireworks to start....
...but not such a big fan of them! Kayden decided the fireworks were WAY too loud and had to cover his ears every time they went off! We finally went inside and enjoyed them thru the window. If you tell him now that the fireworks are coming, he immediately covers his ears!!
There was a 4th of July parade at Grandma and Grampsy's house and Kayden got to wear his hat that he made at daycare- isn't it the cutest?! It's about as tall as he is!
Waving at the parade as it comes down the street (we told him he had to wave in order to get candy!)
Collecting his candy.....
Showing off his loot.....
Hanging out with Daddy and Mommy...
We also went blueberry picking with Grampsy and Cousin Myranda! Kayden enjoyed it for all of about 10 minutes and then was done with it but it was hard to blame him, the bees were flying around everywhere and it was hilly and rocky terrain and about 90 degrees out with no wind! But we did collect enough blueberries for Grandma to make a very yummy pie!!
Kayden and Cousin Connor fighting for Grampsy's attention! These two gave each other a run for their money this week. If one of them had Grampsy's attention, the other HAD to have it as well. If Grampsy picked up one, the other INSISTED on being picked up as well. It was actually really funny and cute to watch!