We went to Texas this week to visit family and friends and had such a wonderful time and enjoyed the nice weather! We stayed at Grandpa Ken and Laura's house and they were such gracious hosts -thank you!!!
Kayden and I went to visit Uncle Brian at his school and had lunch with him and got to visit his classroom. 
He gave Kayden some new markers to color with... 
and Kayden got to meet the class snake (which he actually had no problems petting!!)...
AND the class lizard...

He even got to play on the school playground with Uncle Brian - the weather was beautiful and Kayden NEVER passes up an opportunity to play outside!
At Grandpa's house, Kayden found lots of new toys to play with - this weed whacker was a hit and he figured out the buttons to make it 'go' right away!
And playing basketball with Daddy and the boys was the best - here he is taking shots with Brandon!
and even slam-dunking!!
The neighborhood playground was our stomping ground every day...Mommy never missed a chance to be outside and Kayden could swing and climb all day long!
Kayden and Daddy hanging out
We went to Austin's cross country meet to watch him run and he did a GREAT job!!! 1.5 miles in UNDER 10 minutes -wow!! Way to go Austin!!
Our flight home was better than the flight there...the plane was not full so Kayden got his own seat (and there was also no one in front of us so Kayden could kick the seat all he wanted!) :) He liked watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (of course, his favorite show) on the dvd player.