......the flu bug that is!! It has been a rough week in our house. Kayden woke up last Friday morning throwing up and continued to throw up ALL DAY long. And then again Saturday. And Sunday. And Monday. And Tuesday. The poor guy was just exhausted and miserable. All he wanted to do was sleep and he didn't care where it was as long as he could get somewhat comfy!
We went to the doctor TWICE in the last week and it turns out he had the stomach flu (which he ever so graciously passed to me this week...yuck) and then got bronchitis on top of it! So he is now on antibiotics and starting to feel a bit better. Today was a no-puke day and we'd LOVE it if we can get two in a row! Hopefully we have paid our dues and can turn the corner on this and all be healthy. We'll keep our fingers crossed!