Grandpa Ken came to visit us for a week and we had such a great time with him!! He helped us out around the house and got to play with Kayden who has changed quite a bit since Grandpa saw him last! We spent the last few days of his visit here by driving over to Indiana to visit Aunt Jodi, Uncle Troy and Cousins Jordan, Jenna and Tanner! Here's Kayden enjoying lunch with Grandpa!
Kayden enjoyed his new pool at Aunt Jodi's!!
We tried to convince Cousin Jordan and Cousin Jenna to get in and play with him -but this is the best we could do! I can't believe how quickly my little nieces are growing up - and they are beautiful!! I love you girls!!
We finally had to say goodbye to everyone so we could get Grandpa back to the airport - so we enjoyed our last morning out on the deck. Kayden LOVED all his grandpa time- he was spoiled!!
And Mommy and Aunt Jodi even got a photo together!
Mommy even got a decent picture with Kayden - then it was time to hit the road!
Unfortunately, our trip to the airport was not uneventful~ we were rear-ended by a truck on the interstate. It spun us around and threw us in the ditch. Luckily, we were all wearing our seatbelts and stayed inside the vehicle! My dad and I walked away with some cuts and bruises and whiplash but my poor Kayden was not so lucky. He had to be helicoptered to the children's hospital in Chicago because he had a skull fracture- very traumatic for us!!! He spent a couple days in the hospital where they monitored him to make sure the swelling went down and he did not have excess pressure on his brain. He is now at home and resting and doing ok. He definitely has some bruises (and maybe even a black eye which I keep telling him that the girls will LOVE!) and his head is still very tender to the touch - and I'm sure VERY painful for him! He is getting back to walking around again - although he is still a bit unsteady on his feet. We will have a follow up visit with our dr next week to make sure he is doing ok. But he is doing well and we thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes!!