Uncle Brian drove up from Texas this week to visit us and we had such a good time! The weather was nice so we went the splashpark - Kayden's new favorite place this year! He really enjoyed himself playing with all the water features....
and even playing out of the water!
Uncle Brian even ran thru the water sprayers with Kayden - you can tell they both enjoyed it quite a bit!! (that is actually a look of happiness on Kayden's face!)
This was the 'tired' Kayden after he refused to take an afternoon nap! But he did enjoy his time with Uncle Brian -thanks again for coming to visit us!! Hopefully we can get down to see you soon!
And the trip would not be complete without Marlee here to play with the 'boys' - they all had such a good time running and chasing each other around - what chaos! But how can you resist those three cute faces?? :)