26 December 2011

Christmas with the Johnsons

We spent Christmas day with the Johnson family and what fun that is - to see all the kids together and all the chaos that comes with it- wouldn't trade it for the world! I love it!!
Kayden hanging out with Grampsy and playing on his phone (of course!)
Daddy and Carter hanging out
Cousin Kyra -such a cutie!
Cousin Ellie hanging out with Carter -I think these two might be trouble together some day soon!
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Cousin Hunter
Trying to get 6 little kids to smile and look at the camera - impossible!!
Present time!!
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And the boys favorite present from Santa? A bounce house!!

Christmas 2011

What a fun Christmas we had this year- the boys are at perfect ages to enjoy Christmas themselves and such fun for us to watch them and their excitement!
We had two good boys this year so Santa made a visit....

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They were excited to open up their presents!!
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We enjoyed our Christmas morning at home just the 4 of us - such a fun time! Merry Christmas to everyone!!

10 December 2011

Kayden's Christmas Program

Kayden had his Christmas program at church tonight and he did such a great job! I was so worried about whether he would actually go up on stage when it was time for him to go - but he was so excited and couldn't wait and ran right up there! The anticipation of waiting....

Up on stage with his classmates singing their songs....

My mom and Jan came to spend the weekend with us and watch Kayden's program.

And they brought Kayden his Christmas present....his own golf clubs!! He was sooo excited!!

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09 December 2011

First Snow!

We got our first snow of the year- not very much but it was enough for an anxious 3 and 1/2 year old who has been begging for snow to play in! He got to go out and make snow angels - which made his day!

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Carter just watched from the window where it was warm.....


08 December 2011

Santa, Santa, Ho Ho Ho!

We took the boys to see Santa tonight and Kayden was SO excited!! He got nervous on Santa's lap when he asked him what he wanted - it was so cute!

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Carter wasn't so sure about this guy....but he didn't cry! :)


02 December 2011

Here Comes Santa Claus....

I took the boys downtown Geneva tonight for the lighting of the Christmas tree and to see Santa come into town - it was apparently a popular idea because it was packed!! We got there just in time to see them light the tree....

Then we waited in the cold for Santa's arrival...

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FINALLY....Santa came riding into town on his sleigh - Kayden waved to him and said that Santa waved back to him - it was such a great moment for him!!
