29 August 2011

Trip to Grandma and Pop Pop's

We had a few days off this weekend so we decided to take a trip to Grandma and Pop Pop's house! The boys had such a great time and Grandma had so many fun things planned for us to do! Kayden got some guitar lessons from Pop Pop...
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We went paddleboating....

kayden paddleboating 
kayden and mommy paddleboating
and even went to the apple orchard to pick some apples!

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We also enjoyed some yummy apple cider donuts! IMG_3314 IMG_3315 IMG_3321
Thank you Grandma and Pop Pop for a wonderful weekend!

21 August 2011

Elburn Days 2011

We went up to Elburn Days tonight to watch a band play with some of our neighbors and Kayden got to ride his first festival ride - he was a bit apprehensive at first but once we got him on it, he LOVED it and went again and again and again!! (taken with my iphone, so not the best photos!)

kayden ride kayden ride 2

10 MONTHS old!!

10 months have passed already since little Carter was born, and he's not so little anymore! He is weighing 21 pounds (wow!!) and loves his "big people" foods! He has his two bottom teeth and his top two front left teeth. He is still sleeping great- 12-13 hours at night and two naps during the day, each 1.5-2.5 hours! We love our little sleepers around here! He is pulling up to stand on everything these days and has even taken a few steps with the walking toys.

And big brother Kayden loves to play with him! IMG_3138
And they both love playing with the dogs!! IMG_3140
Even gotta give a little love! IMG_3141
Only TWO more months to go!

13 August 2011

Here comes Trouble....

....and he is leaving a wake of destruction in his path!!
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09 August 2011

SplashPark Party

Our friends had a birthday party tonight for their boys at the splashpark and Kayden and Carter had such a great time!

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07 August 2011


Aren't kids just the cutest when they are sleeping?? :)