24 April 2011


We spent the day at Uncle Matt and Auntie Dani's with the Johnson family - what a gorgeous day out! Auntie Dani planned an Easter egg hunt for the kids -they were excited to start looking!

And then they were off and looking!! IMG_2134 IMG_2128
Kayden was so excited with all the eggs he found! IMG_2140 IMG_2150
My boys.....
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Thank you to Auntie Dani and Uncle Matt for hosting everyone and for a wonderful day! We had such a fun time!

22 April 2011

Happy HALF Birthday!!

Yesterday, Carter turned 6 months old! But since yesterday was Kayden's day, Carter will get today's post! =) He is such a HAPPY baby!! Loves to watch and smile at Kayden - he is mesmorized by him! He still isn't rolling over but he can sit pretty well on his own and is getting stronger every day. He loves oatmeal & baby food and is a fabulous sleeper- he sleeps 12-13 hours at night and takes 2-3 naps per day! He doesn't have any teeth yet but is getting close - we can tell by the heavy drooling lately and the fact that he is starting to get much fussier and chewing on everything he can get his hands on. Hopefully they will break thru soon! He weighs 16 pounds, 13 oz and is 26.5 inches long (50th percentile for both). We are excited to see all the new things he discovers over the coming months! Happy Half Birthday Dear Carter - we love you!!


Hey - what is this thing on my shirt?? IMG_2103
Carter got his first shot at the dr for his 6 month checkup and he took it like a champ! He didn't cry or even flinch - I'm not sure he even knew they did anything!!

21 April 2011

Our BIG 3 Year Old!!

3 years already?? Wow!! I cannot believe that little Kayden is already 3 years old! Seems like just yesterday that we were anxiously awaiting his arrival and now he is turning 3 - and all of a sudden, he is his own independent boy too! He can ride his big boy bike with ease, has an extensive vocabulary and quite the imagination =), loves to dress himself and is still completely potty trained (which is wonderful!!). He is learning his ABC's, can count to 11 with ease and is finally learning his colors! He insists on doing most things himself and definitely has a stubborn side that is coming thru. I can see already that the 3's are going to be a challenge!
We started the morning out with cinnamon rolls for the birthday boy! He insisted on having THREE since he is 3 and since I knew he wouldn't possibly eat them all, I said SURE! :)

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We then headed to storytime and met Kayden's friend Dylan there. IMG_2032 IMG_2039
When Kraig got home from work, we took the boys to the park and then out to dinner for Kayden's birthday - such a fun day!! Kayden LOVES going to the park and had such a fun time! IMG_2053 IMG_2072 IMG_2071 IMG_2046 IMG_2058 IMG_2055 IMG_2064
Kayden got to open his presents when we got home from dinner~any gift can excite this kid! :) IMG_2077 IMG_2082 IMG_2094
Happy Birthday Big Boy!!! We love you more than words can say!!

19 April 2011

Breakfast Date

My mom came up to spend the day with us and visit Kayden for his birthday so we all went out to breakfast! Kayden and Grandma Mary~
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17 April 2011

Happy 45th!!

Kraig's parents celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary this weekend so the family got together for dinner to celebrate with them! Here they are with the grandkids....

Cousin Myranda made a cake to celebrate the anniversary and Kayden's upcoming birthday so he did the honors of blowing out the candles! IMG_2014 IMG_2016
Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grampsy!!

16 April 2011

Cousin Connor's 2nd Birthday!

We went to Kayden's cousin Connor's 2nd birthday party tonight and had so much fun with the Johnson clan! Kayden got to hang out with his cousins Hunter and Connor....

He also got some "Grampsy Time" IMG_2006
And when Mommy wasn't looking....Grampsy slipped Carter a piece of licorice! What?! Apparently it makes a good teether!!
carter licorice again 
Kayden and Daddy...
 kayden and daddy
And a family picture....

12 April 2011

Pottawatomie Park

We went to Pottawatomie Park today and met my friend, Jessica and her son Dylan there. The boys had so much fun playing together and we even got to enjoy a picnic lunch outside - the weather was gorgeous! Definitely looking forward to more days like this in the summer!

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These two look like trouble together!

10 April 2011


We got a little dose of summer this weekend as the weather was 70 yesterday and 85 today! Of course we spent the whole weekend outside and enjoyed the weather. We are looking forward to more days like this!

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07 April 2011


We took Kayden bowling today for the first time and he LOVED it!! It was so cute to see him pushing his ball down the ramp and watching it roll down the lane - he just wanted to take a turn over and over!

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Daddy and Mommy even got into the fun! IMG_1887 IMG_1889
And Carter enjoyed watching everyone! IMG_1884
And sadly enough, Mommy didn't do too much better than Kayden! IMG_1897
We had a GREAT time and Kayden is already asking to go back again! It is so much fun that he is at an age now where we can do fun family things - can't wait until Carter can join us in the activities as well!