22 February 2009

10 months OLD!

Kayden turned 10 months old yesterday - I can't believe we are going to be planning his first birthday party soon! He is such an active boy these days - crawling all around, pulling up to stand on everything and even cruising on the furniture (everyone tells us he'll be walking soon but I kinda hope not - I don't think I'm ready for that yet!) He has four teeth so far and a couple more trying to come in which are giving him some pain and he is trying to bite on EVERYTHING! He is completely on 'big people food' now and loves to eat whatever mommy and daddy are eating. And over the last couple weeks, he's begun weaning himself from nursing which is good and sad all at the same time! Here's a couple pictures of him hanging out at home with mommy and daddy - he even wanted to help me with the laundry! And here's how I found him when I went to get him up from his nap this morning. He really seems to like the new bear that we bought him - they were all snuggled up together!

~New Friends~

Kayden got to hang out last night with his two buddies- Evan and Rowan. They had such a good time hanging out and drinking their 'party drinks'!

07 February 2009



The weather was gorgeous today so we got out and enjoyed it at the park - Kayden got to swing again for the first time in a few months and had such a great time - laughing and enjoying the weather! Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jan came to visit and Kayden loved having more people to entertain.
Mommy also got some photo time with Kayden!

01 February 2009

Busy Bee!

Kayden is a busy bee these days - so much to explore and he is checking EVERYTHING out! He loves the doggies bed and their toys - they seem to be more fun than his own some days! He's also not so sure about the gate on the stairs - it looks like such a fun place to explore - why block it off?? He likes to crawl up to it and shake it - as if it might just come down if he does! He is keeping us very busy and when he wants to get somewhere, he'll put his head down and get there in a hurry - so watch out!