Kayden enjoyed his first Christmas experience! Unfortunately, mommy was sick and daddy had to work so we had to miss out on Christmas Eve. However, there was so much going on Christmas day for him to watch and explore (and so many new toys to play with!). Daddy helped him open all of his fabulous new clothes, toys and books - he has many new things to play with now and new stylin' clothes to wear! Thank you to everyone - he LOVES everything!!
26 December 2008
21 December 2008
8 months OLD!
Kayden turns 8 months old today and I can't believe how fast he is growing! This past month has been filled with so many 'new' discoveries and milestones. A few times, he has said 'MAMA' but mostly all day, every day EVERYTHING is DADA, DADA, DADA! (I think daddy has been practicing with him when mommy is not around!) :) He is rolling himself all around as well as crawling backwards but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of going forwards yet. When he gets on his hands and knees, he starts to rock so one of these days, he is just going to take off. I'm content with him being a little less mobile right now because I know any free time I have left will be gone when he figures out how to get himself around faster! He is still a great sleeper - about 12-13 hours at night and generally two naps during the day - each lasting between 1-2 hours (enough time for Mommy to get some work done!). He has also started some 'people' food - he loves bananas and Cheerios and "Aunt" Kelly's bran muffins!! OH - and Grandpa gave him a Tootsie Roll and a cookie and of course he LOVED those! (But no more sweets Grandpa - he's sweet enough the way he is!) :) He is not a big fan of the dinnertime baby food (but who can blame him, the stuff does NOT taste good!). But he still likes his oatmeal and baby food fruit so we'll stick with that for a while. He still just has his bottom two teeth but his top 4 all look like they are close to coming in so hopefully he'll have some new teeth soon! And he is growing so rapidly - he's already in to some 12 month clothes and can squeeze into some of the 9 month things still! Everyone always comments about his big eyes and his chubby cheeks - they get pinched quite a bit!! ~ I just love the little boy that he is growing into - he is so happy most of the time and when he gets tired, he still loves to cuddle!! We are looking forward to his first Christmas this week - so much to do and so many people to watch at Grandma and Grandpa Johnson's house!
19 December 2008
Charlie turns 1!
Kayden's buddy Charlie turned 1 this week - I can't believe how fast these boys are growing up! We had a little surprise party for him at our playgroup and he loved it! Doesn't he look so handsome in his party hat??
Kayden has his party hat on and is ready to party! Too bad no one else could sit still long enough for the photo - he was the 'last man standing' this time.
Charlie decided that he wanted to give Kayden a little loving for the day - some day they won't allow us to show these kinds of pictures so we have to enjoy them now while we can! Happy Birthday Charlie - we can't wait to watch you grow another year older!!
16 December 2008
08 December 2008
05 December 2008
01 December 2008
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