31 October 2008
Happy Halloween!
23 October 2008
22 October 2008
Happy Half Birthday!!
6 months old already - wow - what a big boy!! I know I've said it a million times but I can't believe how fast time is flying by - it doesn't seem like Kayden is already halfway to his first birthday! We went to the dr yesterday for his 6 month checkup and he is doing well - he weighs 18 lbs 0.6 oz (75th percentile) and is 27.5 inches tall (90th percentile) - I think I definitely have a tall boy on my hands - I'm sure he'll pass me up in no time! Kayden also got his first vaccination yesterday and wanted to show off his bandaid to everyone! :) He did well taking the shot - I think I took it a lot worse than he did.
We also started some new foods this week! We are officially eating baby foods now (eating might be a generous term...more like gagging and spitting most times!). We tried peas for the first time this week and he is definitely daddy's little boy! He shuddered and gagged and spit them all out but of course once I got the camera out, he was all smiles. This was the best look of disgust I could get from him - next time I'll have to videotape it.
Here are a few more pics from our photo shoot this past weekend - Kayden is sitting up on his own (and getting better at it everyday!). One of these days he is going to figure out crawling and then we're really going to have our hands full. Until then, we are just enjoying watching him grow and discover everything for the first time!

19 October 2008
18 October 2008
08 October 2008
07 October 2008
05 October 2008
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